IMEX2018 – Key Facts
Another IMEX, the worldwide exhibition for incentive travel, meetings and events, has gone so far and it’s been again an AIMazing time!
– About 40 colleagues were present at the fair: some participated as hosted buyers, some as exhibitors and some as visitors
– 7 booths represented AIM Group, mainly at their respective Tourism Boards or Convention Bureaus: AIM Belgium, AIM Czech Republic, AIM Hungary, AIM Italy, AIM Portugal and AIM Spain. Moreover, our Company was also present at the INCON booth, global partnership for conference and events organizers.
– More than 500 face-to-face meetings took place between our AIM staff and other event professionals at the fair: useful moments to network and great chances to set up future collaborations, but also to keep up with innovative solutions and new trends within the meetings industry.
However, IMEX is not only about Work and Network, but it is also that moment of the year in which we, AIMazing colleagues spread on different continents, have the chance to meet all together and to celebrate our shared commitment.
That’s why on May 15th we had a Get Together at a stunning location along the river, during which we also announced the winner of the AIMazing Team Award 2017-2018, the prize we hand out to give recognition to our Teams and to help boost the synergistic level within the Company.

In addition to this, at IMEX, which is always full of inspirational corners, this year they set up a wooden Legacy Wall. This wooden wall was covered with plenty of sheets on which exhibitors showcased their stories of successful legacy they left behind on a destination, at a venue, on a Society, etc… Seizing this opportunity, we would like to remark once again why Legacy is such an important topic over these latest years at AIM Group. So we shared our commitment: here you go with our 4 sheets.
Considering one of these sheets, a good example of what can be done in terms of legacy is the SIAARTI Academy, the innovative and efficient training event, we organised for the young members of Italian Society for Anaesthesia, Analgesia, Resuscitation and Intensive Care (SIAARTI) last year in May. By the way, we are very proud that this Academy has just been repeated in its second successful edition of 2018 between the 21st and the 27th May on the Island of Lampedusa.
We had also the wonderful chance to be interviewed on this item. Here you go with the video of the interview to AIM Group’s Vice President Patrizia Semprebene Buongiorno, presenting our milestone event SIAARTI Academy.
In conclusion, watch here the video that brings together all beautiful moments at IMEX2018.
See you at IMEX2019!