Adapting and Evolving for
Over 60 Years
A Laboratory of Expanding Synergy
Gianluca Buongiorno

Throughout the long journey of AIM Group, from the early 1960s to the present day, few things have remained constant amidst the continuous technological, cultural, and business changes that have occurred. However, one constant has been our inclination towards innovation based on market listening and interpreting clients’ needs, and evolving organisational models, talents, and services. 

In the past year, we have demonstrated that AIM Group’s identity lies in its ability to provide clients with new solutions and formats. The Group’s dynamism and flexibility in adapting to change represent its true value, allowing it to continuously readjust and grow.
We are a laboratory of synergy, where highly specialised teams, various divisions, functions, and offices integrate and inspire each other. 

The growth in 2023 was not only in terms of products and volumes, but also in terms of our geographic presence. Our offices outside of Italy have consolidated their business, achieving excellent performance thanks to the acquisition of significant international clients. Consequently, they represent a much more substantial share of the Group’s business than in the past. 

These results reflect a new approach to business that guides us, with an eye firmly on the future. 

The sustainability of our activities and the industry we operate in permeates not only our operations but also our strategies and internal choices throughout the entire supply chain. The first Sustainability Report produced in 2023 went hand in hand with obtaining the ISO 20121 certification for sustainable event management and launching an important structured path to develop in the coming years. 

Our forward-thinking approach is evident in our significant investments in the company’s development. These include relocating our headquarters in Milan to a new, larger, and more modern office with appropriate spaces and formats that better reflect the image of an innovative company. Additionally, we are committed to developing young talents, acquiring, training, and nurturing them, and maintaining relationships with various universities where we share our expertise by contributing to courses and master’s programmes. 

As I proudly present the results of 2023, I would like to thank our team, partners, suppliers, and the entire chain of stakeholders with whom we create value for our clients every day.

Gianluca Buongiorno
President AIM Group International
Gianluca Buongiorno

AIM Group in Numbers

Our Group

AIM Group International is a multi-service and ever-changing company that has been at the forefront of conferences, events and communications for over 64 years. We help our clients to transform, grow and succeed.
Sparking meaningful connections
At AIM Group International, we believe in the power of connections that go beyond the ordinary. Our mission is simple yet profound: to ignite meaningful experiences that create meaningful connections that inspire, transform and endure. We excel at nurturing relationships that matter, fostering dialogue between brands and their audiences; scientific societies and associations and their sponsors and members; companies and their clients, partners or employees.
Let’s do it together!
We build strong and lasting partnerships with our clients, providers and stakeholders. Trust, transparency and a shared vision for success are at the heart of all our relationships, enabling us to break new ground and achieve remarkable results through collective effort.
Meet, Engage, Think
Events, communications, consultancy: our exceptional teams work together to elevate experiences, generate ideas and deliver innovative solutions. Our strategic approach, sustainable practices and specialist services integrate and complement each other to provide comprehensive support to clients across all sectors and geographic areas.
Let’s Meet
Knowledge powered by experience, human interaction and collaboration. Week end combine our deep expertise, cutting-edge technology and boundless creativity to create captivating and sustainable experiences that foster collaboration, drive change and inspire transformation.
Let’s Engage
By listening and sharing, we activate audiences through the most effective channels and content and facilitate conversations that resonate, captivate, and compel action. In the age of digital dialogue and AI development, our campaigns stimulate genuine conversation, inspire change and activate communities.
Let’s Think
We use our analytical and creative skills to inspire innovation, harness new technologies and unlock untapped potential. We aim to achieve growth, transformation and optimisation for corporate and association clients.
Public Sector
EU Departments
World Organisations
Sport Committees
National Federations
Private Sector
Non-governmental and Non-profit
International organisations
Medical-Scientific Associations and Scientific Societies
Professionals Associations
Industry and Business Associations
Private Companies
Private and Public Held
Pharmaceutical and Life Science
Financial and Insurance